Fuck you for ruining me,
for giving me a completely unrealistic
expectation of what relationships should be.
Fuck you for seeing stars in my eyes,
and the moon in Venus.
Fuck you for making me your opium,
coming daily, like a true addict,
spending hours getting your fix,
feeding off and draining me completely
Fuck you for being a coward,
for lacking the ability to let go of fear
Fuck you for taking my soul
with your mouth, your words,
your kiss, your taste-
fresca and marlboro reds
Fuck you for not keeping this love sacred,
forsaking all else,for not accepting our gift
with tears of gratitude and mercy
Fuck you for not letting go-
for holding every word, card, letter
under wide plank floorboards
in the farmhouse we dreamed eternity in
Fuck you for being crystal clear in my vision-
past and present
so much so that every new relationship,
every change,
brings me full circle once more.
Fuck you for not asking permission
to hold my heart-
in your eyes, your hands,
your voice, your mouth.
Fuck you for rising to the challenge-
for loving me with equal
intensity and passion
Yes, fuck you.
But most of all,
fuck you for loving me enough
to walk