Thursday, March 19, 2009


If we continue to take and take and take
all that is not ours to give
surely, we rob the dawn
of her splendor
raped and pillaged by calloused
greedy hands

Nay, I say to you
'tis better to be infinitely patient
for she will rise
after darkest decline

So take your hands and
shield your eyes
she will arrive slowly

as you stare
she will emerge
in brilliance
brighter than all the weeping stars united

A singular face more exquisite
than any you have dreamt of
you will reach out with trembling hands,
but you must be open, transparent
only then will you be able to touch,
and hold
a shooting star

As you feel her seeping into your veins
take flight,
soar to the heavens
break through
with sustained song

set the axis spinning
become dizzy with beauty,
Blaze brightly, unafraid
so that others may see, hear,
intimately know.

At last, when your fingertips have blistered,
release your tenuous grasp
watch with wonder as beauty explodes
replicating ad infinitum

only then, will you truly know love.