Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Drama Club

Authors Notes:
We've all known someone like this..n'est pas?

Take center stage
throw words around
soliliquies of shame,self doubt
darkened lights cloud
room, night, eyes
from seeing sins of flesh
rip the stitches out deliberately
s l o w l y
knowing all the while
someone else will come along
sew you right back up
because you're center stage girl
troubled, beautiful ,deep
in shit.
bullshit that is
just another page in the book
no one will buy
the screenplay will flop
and you'll wind up desperately
trying a re-write.
history has infinite memory
and little patience~
final soliloquy
center stage
wound ripped open once again
blood spilling on floor
masses gone
left alone with tears and guts spilling out
words inked in blood
forming a pool in which
you drown.
Act over.

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