Saturday, November 17, 2007

Words for a friend

Author Notes:
These words came to me in the middle of the night..and I felt compelled to write them down. There is someone reading who must relate, because the urge to write them was so powerful, I felt I was being led to say this. Not the most eloquent, but I think it's a message that needed to be said.

I see you...
where the world looks
with intellect,
trying to decode,
I see you simply..
with my heart.
I know the pain
you try to silence
by not speaking.
I hear it in between
casual dialogue
read it in between the lines.
Your silence doesn't drown
out the screams,
your vow doesn't stop
the movie from playing
over and over
behind closed eyes.

I see you...
a little boy, lurking in shadows
afraid to be seen,
terrified to be heard.
I know you...
the pain you carry defies words
things they wouldn't (and didn't) believe
when you told them
happen just the same
just another day in
My-town, Your-town, USA.

I'm not sure what my purpose is here
other than to offer my friendship,
tell you that it's okay.
It's okay to want to hide,
even after all these years.
We're all hiding something,
everyone has pain or hunger
that just can't quite be put to rest.

Just don't hide so much
that the essence of 'You' is lost.
Because then you push others away
and they never get to know all the amazing
yet complex layers and facets of your personality.
Make the future memories which you hold onto,
dream big and make life happen
here and now.

If you do this,
the ghosts won't completely disappear,
but over time, they will learn
to limit their visiting hours,
and you will finally get some rest,
find some peace.
That is what I truly wish for you,
my friend.

1 comment:

PeacefulWmn9 said...

Universally beautiful. I hope the right person sees it. Maybe it is me and I have.
